Specialty of Dog Kennels in Tewkesbury

Dog boarding is a newly formed idea that rapidly rising over the years. No matter what, holidays will come and go and each time it won’t be possible for you to take your dog along with you on a trip as many places is not that dog friendly. But you can’t leave your dog alone at home so, what can be the most effective solution to keep your dog safe and secured? Well, boarding kennels can be the most proficient platform where you can get a personal touch to keep your pets without any hesitation. Some other exceptional benefits that you get from boarding kennels are-
• Dogs are kept in a clean and positive atmosphere where they can live without any hassle
• Being the expert dog training centre, all the dogs are trained to make them learn obedience to the advanced level
• All kinds of behavioural issues of the dogs such as separation, aggression, anxiety to chewing can be moulded according to your wish and demand.
• Dog kennels not only serve all these processes for dogs but also for cats as well
• Stocking of branded dog and cat food as well as collars, beds, and leads is another important feature which is worth mentioning
• Apart from making them learn the behavioural pattern, they are also trained to learn obedience and their dietary habits can be upgraded
Additionally, all specialty foods for puppies and adult dogs are separated from one another effectively and stock for cats are also differentiated so that right kind of nutrition can be given to each pet. After each animal departure, the kennel is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to maintain complete hygiene. All these above qualities can be maintained under one-roof at Cottage Kennels in Tewkesbury. Being the finest Animal Suppliers in Tewkesbury, supply feed for poultry, sheep, horses, fish food and wild bird seeds are available as per the requirement. So, get your tailored pet service today without fail.


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